Shreyas Minocha

Replacing Gitea with git, ssh, and GitList

Gitea’s a great piece of software. I used to self-host a Gitea instance for myself. I found, however, that I used but a fraction of what it had to offer. Git is well-equipped with tools for running a git service on the server, though. I’ve since implemented a simple git-with-ssh set-up with GitList as the web interface.


  • You have git installed and a user git exists
  • You have SSH set up

Copy Gitea’s repository directory, into git’s home directory (usually /home/git). This directory will house your repositories.

On your system, generate a SSH key pair with ssh-keygen and append the public key (a .pub file) to /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server.

Make sure the user git has read-write permissions to the repos in /home/git.

At this point you can probably try cloning and pushing to the server. git@host:path/to/repo.git. If the path does not begin with /, it will be assumed to be relative to /home/git.

When pushing, you’ll probably run into errors if you copied Gitea’s repositories folder. Gitea adds a few hooks to each repository’s hooks directory which prevent you from pushing to them unless they’re managed via Gitea. Particularly, it adds pre-recieve, post-receive and update hooks and you’d want to get rid of those.

New repositories can be initialized with:

git init --bare example.git

Once again, make sure permissions are in order. I set the owner to my own user, but created a unix group with me and git in it and set group read-write permissions. Do set permissions for other users to o=r (read-only) for “public” repositories and o= for “private” repositories. This should also make the private repositories inaccessible from the web frontend you’ll set up.

$ ls -la /git/shreyas
drwxrwxr-x 20 shreyas shreyas-git [] <public repo>.git
drwxrwxr-x  5 shreyas shreyas-git [] <public repo>.git
drwxrwx---  7 shreyas shreyas-git [] <private repo>.git
drwxrwx---  8 shreyas shreyas-git [] <private repo>.git
drwxrwxr-x  7 shreyas shreyas-git [] <public repo>.git
drwxrwx---  7 shreyas shreyas-git [] <private repo>.git
drwxrwxr-x  8 shreyas shreyas-git [] <public repo>.git
drwxrwx---  7 shreyas shreyas-git [] <private repo>.git
$ cat /etc/group | grep '^shreyas-git'


To prevent people SSHing as git from doing “non-git things”, you should set git’s shell to git-shell. Confirm that git-shell is installed. Then, if /etc/shells doesn’t already include git-shell, add it:

$ which git-shell >> /etc/shells

Set git’s shell to git-shell:

$ sudo chsh git -s $(which git-shell)

To prevent other SSH wackiness, prefix no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty to the keys in /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys:

$ cat /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys
no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAA []

##Web frontend

You have more than one option for the web interface for your git repos, including GitWeb and GitList, but I eventually went with GitList. Keep in mind that these are merely read-only web frontends for your repositories and not remotely comparable to Gitea, GitLab, and the like. You may choose to skip this step entirely if it’s not something you need or want.

GitList’s installation instructions are fairly complete, but the tl;dr is that you have to download a copy of GitList into /var/www/gitlist, give your web server write permissions to /var/www/gitlist/cache, and configure your web server to make GitList accessible. You’ll also need to configure some important settings in /var/www/gitlist/config.ini. config.ini-example has a well-commented example. Some important settings:

  • git.repositories[]
  • git.hidden[]
  • app.theme: bootstrap3 (opinionated)
  • clone_button.show_ssh_remote, clone_button.show_http_remote
  • clone_button.ssh_url_subdir, clone_button.http_url_subdir
  • date.timezone

##Additional steps

Optionally, you could:

  • Set up git-http-backend. I recommend doing this so that public repositories can be cloned over http, but I haven’t got around to doing it yet.
  • Set up a git daemon to serve repos over the git:// protocol. If you set up http-backend, this is mostly redundant.
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Shreyas Minocha